
Podcast are like burgers. Some are horribly despicable and others are amazingly great. These are the latter ones – the podcasts I listen to regulary and that inspires me.

Got more listening tips? Hit me!
One thing I really enjoy is to exchange tips on great inspiration. Got a podcast  you really think I should listen to? I’d love to hear from you, so feel free to send me an email.


The Accidental Creative
Todd Henry

» Listen to the podcast


Värvet (in Swedish)
Kristoffer Triumf

» Listen to the podcast


Steal The Show
Michael Port

» Listen to the podcast



Inspiration is great, but it’s in the pauses the magic happens. Headspace isn’t  the typical ”inspirational listening” but rather an app that guides you through excercises that helps you and your brain to relax. Theeeeen the magic can happen.
» Read more about the app


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